The athletic director at Metro Christian School in Tulsa, Oklahoma, was intrigued by the SportsGrass® Product-Based system using Edge XP™. Unfortunately, he had no local fields to look at and walk on to experience the product first hand. It was important enough to him to make the right decision for the school, so he jumped on a plane and flew to Northeast Ohio. In addition to visiting the ForeverLawn Home Office team in Louisville, Ohio, he visited the Norton High School field which was installed with Edge XP four years earlier.
The result? He was thrilled with what he saw, and he wanted that product for his school. The four-year old field looked almost brand new, there were no issues with excessive infill, and the athletic department at Norton High School raved about their field. Most schools are excited about their fields when they first go in – few of them are as excited four years later. With the experience in hand, Metro made the decision to go with SportsGrass, even though the initial cost was a little higher, knowing that the true value of the field would be earned over time with how well it performs. And it is worth mentioning, that the Metro Christian Patriots won the Oklahoma state championship their first year on the new SportsGrass field.
Product-Based System
Project type:
Outdoor Athletic Field
Completed by:
Tulsa, OK